Salt Water

I came across this fabulous quote while reading – ok, it was on the lid of my iced tea bottle. That still counts as reading, yes?

“The cure for everything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea.” – Baroness Karen Blixen

I love this so, so much. And it’s so true. Most problems can be solved with some really hard work, or a good cry, or a trip to the coast.

I’m working on the sweat part right now, specifically job applications, cover letters, and seemingly endless supplemental questions. I don’t know how many times in the last few days I’ve had to convince some faceless employer that I am a rock star at Microsoft Word. Sigh.

Eventually I will get through this part, and move on to a trip to the sea. If I’m lucky I’ll skip the tears.

*Photos from our anniversary trip to Nye Beach, Newport.



2 thoughts on “Salt Water

  1. “I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky…” (Masefield)
    I just can’t wait to visit and see this wonderful coast for myself!

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